Lực Ta
Hello! I’m a senior at Yale University studying mathematics and ethnic studies.
Below is a list of my publications. To read more about me, please refer to my CV or my bio. Both of these are also accessible via the navigation bar located at the top of this webpage, along with a few of my teaching resources and a catalog of my music.
Research Articles
Lực Ta. Generalized Legendrian racks: Knot coloring invariants, mediality, and tabulation. Undergraduate senior thesis. In preparation.
Kendall Heiney, Margaret Kipe, Samantha Pezzimenti, Kaelyn Pontes, and Lực Ta. Constructions of and bounds on the toric mosaic number. In preparation.
Margaret Kipe, Samantha Pezzimenti, Leif Schaumann, Luc Ta*, and Wing Hong Tony Wong. Bounds on the mosaic number of Legendrian knots. Submitted. Preprint, arXiv:2024.08064 [math.GT], 2024.
Editor-Reviewed Publications
Luc Ta*. Integer sequences “A375353,” “A375355,” “A375356,” “A375357,” “A375392,” “A375619,” and “A376155” related to knot mosaics, hyperbolic links, and extremal graphs. On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS), 2024.
Margaret Kipe, Samantha Pezzimenti, Leif Schaumann, Luc Ta*, and Wing Hong Tony Wong. Integer sequences “A374939,” “A374942,” “A374943,” “A374944,” “A374945,” “A374946,” “A374947,” and “A375354” tabulating Legendrian knot/link mosaics and mosaic numbers of Legendrian knots. On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS), 2024.
* These were released before I changed my name from Luc to the Vietnamese Lực.
Giving a presentation on toric knot mosaics at UnKnot V